We Clean: Commercial Contract Cleaning Birmingham

We Clean

Safe Cleaning

First in Safety


Fundamental to our continuing success is to promote at all levels within the organisation a ‘culture’ that puts SAFETY at forefront of our service delivery.

Over the last 10 years the Company has continually developed and improved its safety systems and now operates the we clean SAFE! management system that embraces all aspects of Site Risk Assessments, Method Of Works, COSHH Data Sheets, Colour Coding Practices, Duty of Care Obligations and General Health & Safety Policy Statements in a controlled documented environment.

Our safe systems of work are underpinned by our in house dedicated Training Manager Duncan Thomson and Health & Safety Manager David Holmes-McClure who have over 50 years experience of delivering Cleaning Excellence within a controlled and safe environment.


Why choose we clean?


We ensure that cleaning specifications are met and where possible exceeded, and that our service is delivered both safely and efficiently.

So, if you are looking fo a safe cleaning service, contact us today.