Rachael Peacock Is May’s Dee Richards Pride Award Winner
This months Dee Richards Pride Award Winner is Head Office Receptionist, Rachael Peacock. In her short time here, Rachael has grown within the Business to become the face and voice of our Head Office facility and is an integral part of day to day operations.

Rachael receiving her award from Directors, Paul Concannon & David Harker and HR & Office Manager, Gaynor Powell.
The hard work it takes to carry out Rachael’s role does not go unnoticed, and is greatly appreciated by Director, Paul Concannon who commented:
“Rachael has a fantastic work ethic, she’s constantly working and ensuring things are running smoothly. Whether it’s problem solving, or receiving information from one of our sites around the Midlands, Rachael steps up.”
Rachael took 5 minutes out of her busy schedule to answer a few questions about her experience at we clean and what it is she does from day to day:
What’s your name and where are you originally from?
I’m Rachael Peacock and I’m originally from Colley Gate.
How long have you worked for we clean?
Coming up to two years, but its gone really quickly.
What’s your role within the business and what does your working day look like?
My official title is Receptionist and Administration Assistant, but I do all sorts, all my days are different from the one before. I look after all of the franking mail, all of the calls that come into our office. Then I’m in contact with Area and Location Managers with things such as toilet checks, job listings and pretty much everything else in between.
Do you have a favourite thing about working for we clean?
It’s a very tight-knit family business, everybody is really friendly and gets on very well and I genuinely enjoy coming into work each day.
What do you feel makes working for we clean different?
Having previously worked at the AA which is a massive company, it’s nice that with we clean being a bit smaller, it’s more personal. I’m able to put my own twist on everything I do here which I like.
Do you have any hobbies outside of work? Anything you particularly enjoy on a weekend?
I tend to just spend time with my boyfriend or at my dad’s house, maybe go to the cinema or something along those lines.
Finally, what does the award mean to you?
It really means a lot to me, to be awarded it after being here for a fairly short amount of time is really special, and makes me feel like I’m on the right track and doing my job properly.