We Clean: Commercial Contract Cleaning Birmingham


Staying The Course To Enhance Our Brand – ‘we clean and proud of it’!

Staying The Course To Enhance Our Brand – ‘we clean and proud of it’!

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing cleaning industry, one facet will always remain absolutely critical – good ‘customer service’!

We now service over 250 key clients, inputting 12,000 cleaning hours per week, many of which are worked within very public facing contracts such as:

With this in mind, a number of Contract Management / Contract Management Support, Location Managers and frontline Cleaning Staff were enrolled on to a Customer Service Course with local training body, Environmental Excellence.

Contract Management / Contract Management Support, Location Managers and frontline Cleaning Staff taking part in the Customer Service.

A Customer Service course is designed to teach individuals the essential skills needed to provide excellent customer service that will ensure client retention remains paramount. The course covered various topics such as understanding client’s needs, effective communication, problem-solving, and handling difficult clients. The course also emphasizes the importance of empathy, patience, and active listening in customer service.

First impressions count and we understand that for those of our staff in client / public facing roles, presentation and effective communication is vital to ensure a consistent client centric message is delivered.

We always strive for best practice and in order to fulfil this, constant training and evolution of our much valued employee’s skillsets is required. We have partnered with Environmental Excellence on a number of different courses in recent years ranging from the importance of cleaning science as basic discipline through to the growing awareness of environmental / sustainable cleaning and infection prevention control cleaning management systems!

Jo Dunn who carried out the course at our Birmingham Head office commented:

“The group were very interactive and really bought into all aspects of the course, asking lots of questions and diving deeper into the theory behind some of the customer service fundamentals.

The course is very much geared towards how we clean as a business manages their client base and deals with both the public and client contacts.

It is important for those in the cleaning industry to take a step back and think about how their decisions can affect ‘the bigger picture’ but also how to deal with both clients and colleagues with different emotional intelligence to that of themselves.”

The day also focused on heavily on the aspect of client retention and how all staff from frontline cleaning staff to management staff can positively affect this critical factor that has been the bedrock for the long-term success of the we clean brand!


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Driving 'Sustainability' Forward - We Clean GREEN!


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